This is my friend Patches from Bunspace - isn't he just the cutest little guy with his t-shirt and schoolbooks? With all the kiddies returning to school next week, some of you may wonder - why don't bunnies go to school? Well, I'll tell you why - we don't need to. We already know everything there is to know. In fact, us bunnies could teach school if we really cared to, but it just doesn't fit into our daily schedules of eating, pooping and napping. But there are still some very important things that you can learn from a bunny, and I would like to share a few of them with you right now.....
#5: Keep yourself clean.
We bunnies are a lot like cats - we groom ourselves all the time and take special care to look and smell our best at all times. Got some stray fur sticking up? Either lick it down or pluck it out. Face a little messy from eating? Give it a wash. Got some poop stuck to your bum? Get rid of it. I know a few humans who could learn from these tips......I'm not naming names. No one likes an unkempt, stinky bunny. And besides, the ladies love us when we are looking our handsomest.
#4: Be adorable.
Who doesn't love adorableness? Be cute, be quirky, be funny and amiable. No one likes hanging out with a grouch so remember to put your best face forward. It's a lot easier to make friends when you are in a good mood, plus, the cuter you are, the more treats you get! All I have to do is look at Mom, tilt my head a little, set my helicopter ears askew and the treats rain down on me. Seriously. Try it....
#3: Celebrate happiness.
No matter how big or small, when you're having a happy moment, let the world know it! Life can't be happy all the time, but when it is, and you are really feeling it, do a binky! Run the Bunny 500! Popcorn high in the air! Flip, twist, and jump with glee! Then bunny flop hard and rest up for the next happy moment to hit...
#2: Never underestimate the power of touch.
There is nothing better than a snorgle with the one you love. Sometimes even the slightest physical contact can work wonders for a mood. Whether it be heads touching as you snooze, stretching out side by side or a full-on intense snorglefest, getting close with company, bunny or human alike, has a magical way of lifting the spirits, filling the heart and reviving the soul.
#1: Live life to the fullest.
Want something? Get it. Got treats? Eat 'em! Want to shred that cardboard box? Get working! The point is, us bunnies don't wait for the perfect time. We get an idea and we do it. Rabbits, like all animals in this world, have no concept of time. We don't "wait until the weekend" or "plan to do it later" - we don't know what that is. In fact, we have no idea that a "tomorrow" even exists, we just live in the present. We do what we want, when we want. We live with the consequences and the rewards. We don't hesitate, procrastinate or live with regret. And when our time comes to cross the Rainbow Bridge, we leave this world knowing not a moment was wasted, not an opportunity was missed and our life was lived to it's fullest.
So I hope you have all been taking notes. As all the kiddies in the world head back to school next week, let's keep in mind these few tips for living a full bunny life. All you humans can stand to learn a thing or two from us bunnies.
Pop quiz on Friday....
Patches looks a very studious friend! Thanks for sharing all your tips, I certainly learnt a lot from Anya my bunny when she was alive. The Scots Gaelic for Junior School is Bun Scoil.
Oh Fluffy, your posts always crack me up, LOL!!!! Wish I was flexible enough to do a binky or a popcorn, LOL!!!!!!
Rabbits don't go to school because they'd be getting sent to the principal frequently. But seriously Fluffy you are so right! and LOL too. Rabbits3 would like to add lesson #6 "eat plenty of healthy greens" and #7 "always chew your food well."
Works for us!!!!
Fluffy! You are RIGHT! We DO know everything. If only humans would figure it out and allow us to reign supreme....
and on morh fing frum bunniez! eat ur veggietabulz!!
Katie Kitty Too
Love the list, but....bunnies *do* have the concept of time. If the bunny-box isn't cleaned by X time, I am told in no uncertain terms about it! If "Dad" is late from work and the after-work-freeze-dried-nanner chunk is late, grumpiness reigns! Bunny bedtime? Same time, every night without fail. Lewis Carroll got it exactly right when he described the White Rabbit as having a pocket watch. To answer the musical question, "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?", buns do!
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