Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Life Is Beautiful

Sometimes when I look back at my life, I can't believe what a lucky bunny I have been.  I don't even remember my first year of life before Mom and Dad adopted me, before I met my beloved Miss Binks.  The days become years and the years become a decade and all of a sudden I'm 11 years old!  I have been with Mom and Dad and Binky for 10 wonderful years, and I have loved every minute of it.

I have lots of time to think about these things.  As my days pass, I nap for most of them, and dream about all the wonderful times I have shared with everyone.  I'm a lot more tired now, and my back legs don't take me places as fast and swiftly as they once did.  Sometimes I fall over but I always do my best to get back up and head off to wherever I was going.  Binky also takes very good care of me, often positioning herself on my weak side to help prop me up and keep me from falling over.  I love that girl so much, she makes growing old kinda okay.

I am still battling an ear infection which involves two types of ear drops, and you better believe I can still thump Mommy after she gives them to me!  I am also on two types of pain meds to help me manage my arthritis.  My stupid joints seem to have forgotten how to move back and forth - HARUMPH!!!!!  But don't you worry, I still know how to get those stupid blankets on the couch!  Mom plops me up there and I tear right into them!  Still the Big Tough Lop Ive always been!  Here's a video to prove it!

We had a bunderful Christmas and Santa Paws was very kind to us!  We got lots of treats and some new toys and blankets.  Binky has always loved her carrot patch and she gets a new one every year.  We also got our favourite Bunspace Bunny Bags, they are always filled with yummy stuff!  Here is our Christmas video!
What a lucky bunny I am.  I try to remind Mom of this everyday, but her eyes have been leaking a lot lately.  I know that seeing me get old and struggle breaks her heart, but us bunnies, we just keep marching on.  No time to feel sorry for ourselves, we've got naps to take and treats to eat!  I tell her that its okay, its all a part of life.  I tell her she has nothing to be sad about because she and Dad have given Binky and I such long and beautiful lives, and we have lived every day to its fullest!  So many bunnies never find their forever homes, but we did.  We found the best one in the world!
So I'm going to keep plugging along as best I can, for as long as I can.  One day I'll be ready to go to the Rainbow Bridge and Mom and I have it all worked out.  She says she doesn't want me here one day longer than I want to be here, and that when I'm ready, to just give her a sign.  Well, I'm not giving any sign today, or the next, because I've still got some life left in me!  I'm gonna continue to enjoy every beautiful moment I have in this world with Miss Binks and my family.  Life is beautiful, so enjoy every single minute and never look back.....
Fluffy McFluffersons

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great videos, these brightened up my day!
