Wednesday, December 24, 2014

2014 Update

Yup Peeps, this update is a long time coming and I'm sure there are a few of you who may be wondering what I've been up to.  Truth of the matter is, not much, but there is still a lot to share.

Firstly, here is our Christmas card for 2014!  I hope all of you have been sweet little angel bunnies like Binky, Ana and I have been.  Santa Paws is always watching so you can never be too good :)  I am banking on a stocking full of treats and can't wait until tomorrow morning so I can rip into my stash!

You may have noticed that our card is a bit different this year.  Yes, sweet Scooter MaGoo is missing :(  Scooter did very well in his old age despite being blind and deaf.  He had developed arthritis and some mobility issues and began slowing down.  Mom had always told him during their nighttime cuddles, that she didn't want him to stay a day longer than he wanted to, that when he was ready, to just give her a sign.  So when the day came when he just stopped eating, mom and dad both knew that he had made his decision - he wanted to be reunited with his sweet little Ella who he lost 4 years ago.  They got to spend a wonderful last day together and Scooter cuddled with them all day and night.  He even kept mom awake the entire night giving her kisses - enough kisses so that whenever she would miss him, all she would have to do is remember all the licks she got on that last day and she would know he was always with her.  When the sun rose, Mom and Dad took him to see Dr. Deb and she helped him cross the Bridge.  He cuddled in Mom's arms as she sang to him and was peacefully and gently reunited with the love of his life.  It was a super sad day for Mom and Dad but they were able to find comfort in knowing that Scooter and Ella were together again and were bunny angels that would watch over them until they could all be together again.  We all miss him very much and this Christmas will be hard without him.  Here is a video mom shot on their last day that shows Scooter giving mom lots of licks......Binky free Scooty Bear :'(

A few weeks before Scooter left us, our sweet little hamster friend Houdini passed away.  We all thought he would be with us for so much longer but I guess he was older than we thought.  He was so silly and wonderful and he had the best hamster hair ever!  Mom did notice that he was slowing down a bit, but when she went to check on him one evening and saw that he had not touched his breakfast banana, she knew that he was gone :(  Sweet little Houdini was found curled up in his little igloo, having just fallen asleep and drifted off to the Rainbow Bridge.  He left a big hole in our hearts.  Here is the last video mom took of him, giving him a massage one evening a few days before he left us.  Farewell sweetie pie :'(

On a happier note, a few months after Houdini left us, Mom went to the Alliston Humane Society and adopted a new little friend!  He was deemed unadoptable because he would bite children but mom thought that was actually very charming, plus she knew he probably only bit them because they were loud and rough with him, as children tend to be around small animals when they are not supervised properly.  So she scooped him up and brought him home!  His fur is marbled in colour, shades of dark, light and caramel brown, with little white mittens on his feet, so he was given the name Marbles.  He is not one for being caught, but once in your hands, he likes to crawl and play - and he's never bit anyone yet, not even when mom goes in to give him raspberries on his belly ;)  And he LOVES to run in his wheel!  He had a rather large plastic wheel in his cage but he ran so fast and so often that he actually started to shave the plastic off of one side that rubbed against the metal bar that held it to the cage, and the force of the spinning would shake the cage, causing it to actually inch it's way across the table on any given night!  So mom switched it out for a much quieter Silent Spinner and now he can run until his little hammy heart is content :)  Here he is trying out a plastic ball for the very first time....

So other than these big changes, Miss Binks and I have been enjoying the retired life.  We both have arthritis (we take meds for this) and Binky has developed a bit of a sneeze.  She had a cat scan that revealed a little piece of hay trapped deep in her nose.  The procedure for removal is quite invasive and not guaranteed to solve the issue, so with her being almost 12 years old, and the issue not being life-threatening, mom and dad decided to hold off on doing it, but they are keeping a close eye on her to make sure she doesn't get worse.

Me, well, I've developed some mobility issues.  My little back legs don't work like they used to.  Sometimes I can't fold them up properly underneath me when I sit and sometimes I lean towards the left.  I'm currently battling a minor ear infection which is causing some balance issues, but I'm actually doing quite well despite everything.  Mom says I have to learn to slow down, that I'm not the Big Tough Lop I like to think I am.  What does she know?!  I can still run around the room and give her a good thump or two, or three, when I need to put her in place.  I'll ALWAYS be a Big Tough Lop!  And to prove it, here is a recent video of me getting those stupid blankets that sit on the couch.  Oh yes sir!  I still need to keep those stupid blankets in line!!!!

So that's pretty much our update for 2014.  I want to thank all of my Peeps who have been asking about me - I hope all of you are well and will be enjoying the holidays.  I shall leave you with last year's Christmas video and hopefully I will post this year's as soon as it's ready!  Merry Christmas and Hoppy New Year to you all!!!!

Fluffy McFluffersons

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