Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Time To Play Catch Up

Mom would just like everyone to know that BlogSpot hasn't been working properly on her desktop - that's why most of my Peeps think that I have gone missing and have posted my picture on the side of milk cartons!  Don't worry my friends, I am alive and well!

Summer is winding down and in all honesty, Miss Binks and I haven't been doing much other than napping in the sun rays that shine through the patio doors and enjoying the central air conditioning. 

Mom decided to go somewhere she hasn't been in a while - to her Photobucket Account.  She'd forgotten about all of the stuff she had in there, including all these great old pictures of us bunnies in our younger days.  She thinks my Peeps might enjoy a trip down memory lane to see what kind of shenanigans Miss Binks and I have gotten into over the years.....

Here is Miss Binks investigating a suitcase.  Mom and Dad were going away and we were off to the bunnysitter's.  You can see our blankets and our igloo inside and Miss Binks is all "Hey!  What are you doing with my stuff?!"
Here is our first Christmas card, circa 2005!  As I am sure you can tell by the look on my face, I am none too pleased with wearing bells around my neck!  Mom still pulls those stupid things out every year....THUMP!
Here's me after I lost my manhood.  I was chewing my stitches so I had to wear this hideous cone on my head.  I am about a year old here.....
This is a picture of me and Boo.  Boo was the first hamster Mom and Dad ever had.  He was awesome, mainly because when he would roll around in his ball, I would lower my head and he would park it right against my forehead and pluck at my fur through the air vents.  He would groom me for hours....
And here my Peeps, is the picture that started it all.  This is Miss Binks when she was at the Toronto Humane Society, just after her eye was removed.  When Mom and Dad decided to foster a bunny, Mom found this picture of Miss Binks on their website.  She took the picture and made this poster, adding the words, and sent it to Dad.  They went and picked her up that weekend.  This was also when Mom and Dad discovered that they sucked at fostering - Miss Binks never went back, but was adopted instead :)
Perhaps I will share more pictures from my past in another entry, but for now I would like to leave you with one last picture.  Back in June, we lost our sweet hammy friend Louise.  In July, Mom and Dad welcomed a new little girl hammy into our family.  Her name was Bella and she was surrendered to a shelter at the ripe old age of 2 years and 7 months.  She was looking for a retirement home and Dad surprised Mom one day by adopting her and bringing her home to live with us.  Despite her age, she was full of energy!  She would climb the sides of her cage, fly around in her ball and give her wheel a good work out.  She never sad still and was always scurrying about.  It took no time at all for her to burrow her way into all of our hearts.  Sadly, sweet Bella passed away last weekend.  We may have only had her for about 6 weeks, but we all loved her as if we'd had her since she was a baby.  She was funny, silly, happy and friendly, and we will never forget her.  Rest in peace little Bella, we will miss you very much.....
Fluffy McFluffersons

1 comment:

Jade said...

So sorry to hear about Bella, but so glad that she had such a wonderful home where she could enjoy her final days.

Love the "trip down memory lane" photos--even in a cone, you are all kinds of adorable, Fluffy!