Christmas 2011 card ver. 1 |
Dear Santa Paws,
It's Fluffy McFluffersons here sending you a list of the things I would like for Christmas. Despite anything Mom or Dad may have told you, I have been a very good little bunny this year and am most deserving of the following gifts as my reward.
Firstly, I think an upgrade to our current stroller would be nice. The one we have now is pink and I would prefer one in a Tough Lop shade of blue. This one looks perfect, except of course for the two cats sitting inside. Scat cats! That's my stroller! Ahem, as you can see, there is plenty of room for Miss Binks and I to sprawl out to relax and it's nice and high off the ground to keep yippy dogs at bay and to give us a great view of our surroundings.
Next, Miss Binks and I would like a really nice bed to snorgle in. But it has to be special. Binky likes red and she likes to be comfortable. Me? I like my privacy so something a little more intimate would be prefered. Dad always gets annoyed when Binks and I get frisky while he is watching the hockey game so a bed like this one, that has curtains you can draw closed, would be ideal! Is this available with a memory foam matress?
Binky and I like to stretch our legs outside in the summertime so perhaps some fun things for the backyard would be nice. Nothing too complicated, but we think a set up just like this one would be perfect. Slides, shelters, fences to jump - what more could we want? Well, how about this.....
Finally, I think it's time for a nice little retirement place for Miss Binks and I. It doesn't need to be big and fancy....okay, maybe it does. How awesome is this?! So many places for Binky and I to run, hide and cuddle! And here is the link for directions on how to build it. Seems simple enough - easy peasey lemon squeezy!
So as you can see, my list is pretty short. Binks and I aren't asking for a lot but simply giving you some ideas on what we would love to find under the tree on Christmas morning. Hopefully it won't be a problem fitting this stuff into your sleigh. If it is, I am sure you can rent a truck or something.
Sincerely yours,
Fluffy McFluffersons
Christmas 2011 card ver. 2 |
That is quite a list kids. Santa will need an extra job I think.
Wow that is a very *short* list:O you have great taste in presents and I'm sure Santa will do his best since you are such a good bunny:D
Hmmm some buns going to be a little disappointed methinks?! Oh well, merry Christmas everybun! Xxx
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