Well, after a torturous few months of eye drops and antibiotics, I am very happy to report that I am all better! My tear production is back to normal and my eye ulcer is completely gone! I do still have to have drops everyday, but they are just the saline ones to keep my eyes nice and hydrated, not the medical drops that would sting. It's taken me a while to stop thumping every time I see Mom or Dad - I keep thinking they are just going to try to medicate me again. So overall, I am a very happy Big Tough Lop!
And what would a Big Tough Lop be without a bunny misadventure?! Hee hee! I'm still at the top of my game as you will see from the video above. Mom was sitting in the family room when I trotted on out into the hall to see what sort of mischief I could get into. Mom heard me rustling around somewhere so she decided to go have a look. Knowing that there is a very good chance of me being in trouble, she filmed me on her iPad. Have a look!
So Peeps, the lesson today is you are never too old to get into trouble! Eat your hay, eat your salads, take your meds ("like a good bunny!") and play safe :)
Fluffy McFluffersons